Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hollaback Gurl.

It's time for a quick catch up! Winter semester was great! I saw Fun., Imagine Dragons, Battle of the Bands, Joshua James and Isaac Russell concerts. I also managed to see the midnight premiere of The Hunger Games, went to Holi, ate at The Pie, made it to a few ward gatherings, watched Troll 2, made who knows how many midnight Denny's runs, met Jason Alexander, went to an AA meeting (just for kicks), went to the aquarium 3 whole times, saw a plethora a movies, kissed a handful a men and caught up with a few old friends. Oh the joys of college.

And now I'd like to formally welcome you all to summer. I hope it is going well for all of you! Mine has been fairly eventful thus far. I had some family come into town and that was great! I really adore my brother and his family. I am always so grateful whenever I can see them, which is usually just Christmas so this was a real treat. We just had a picnic of sorts and all the family that was around was brought together. It was super chill but made me wish that I had a better relationship with my siblings but it's hard with how busy everyone is especially since most of them are parents now.

Other than that I've paid a boy $300 dollars for a blanket (WORST STORY EVER), then had to dish out another $150 to fix my car and now my laptop is starting to fail me... These are expensive times and my income from my part time job is not up to the challenges it has had to face lately. These days sure are expensive even if I am now back at the parents homestead.

My future plans are sure to drain the wallet as well. Robert, Maren, potentially Hilary and I would like to take a road trip out to Colorado in July to see our old roommate Ashley who we all miss terribly and just got her mission call to England (way to go Ash)!!! I also have plans to go to the Twilight and Rooftop Concert Series but they shouldn't really effect my wallet since they are free unless I decide I must buy all kinds of merchandise. 

I'm teaching summer school at Walden but this will be my last time teaching there as they have asked me to not return in the fall. It's good because it really is about time I move on seeing as Walden has been my life for the last 8 years but I am heartbroken about leaving the kids I work with behind. I have been telling students I won't return in the fall and they are all very upset by this which makes the idea of leaving much harder. They really have made life worth living for the last year or so. I really hope I can keep tabs on quite a few of them. They really have taught me so much despite the fact that some of them are only 5 years old.

My life as of late however has been fairly consumed by one Zackery Terry who drives me insane but I completely adore him. He's a real cutie pants. He has gone through more than anyone I've ever heard of and is now managing to do some damage control for things he has had no control over. I really admire him for this because he is doing a lot of things I am not sure I ever could and he's doing it all by himself which is mind blowing for a 20 year old boy. I also love that he really looks out for me and it really pisses me off at times due to the way he decides to go about things is terribly embarrassing but I have no doubt in my mind that he cares. He has managed to not only shed light on the fact that I have a tendency to hang out with douche bags but he has also managed to make sure that quite a few of them never contact me again despite my efforts to keep them around. Zack really is great. He is one of the most intelligent people I have ever interacted with. And even though he has a tendency to act like Jack Sparrow whenever we're out in public and busts out lighters in movie theaters and tries to make things as awkward as possible, I know better and I am very glad that I do. His friendship has taught me a lot about other people, myself and what actually living the gospel is versus just studying it.

And just in case you haven't had enough man, oh man, THIS SONG makes me want to punch myself in the face but I also want to sing and dance along.... This is quite the conundrum and I hate my self for even considering this slightly enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog, it's cute. :) You should write more.
