Sunday, August 16, 2009

Who's excited?? Me? Yes, me!!!

As you can tell by the title above i am very excited! You wanna know why? Well good cause I'm going to tell you! I am going to spend the next for days of my life in the Zion/Kanab area with the Jr. high students of the Walden School. Junior high students aren't very exciting but i get to be a leader with Carl, Wendi, Gwen, Diana, Caitlin and my mother. Do you know how excited i am to be able to boss small teens around?!?!? I am so excited, they have to do whatever i tell them! MWAHAHAHA!!

Okay well, that's not the only exciting part. I also get to spend a lot of time at the Best Friends Animal Society, which is where a lot of pets that have been abused live and i get to help them and love them and play with them. It will be a great adventure, but i can tell saying good-bye is going to be hard on my part. I looked on their web page and i already want to take some of their dogs home with me. I found a Chihuahua named Taco that i would like to come home with me on Thursday but sadly that probably won't happen. Maybe since we have a dog i can convince my mom to get one of the pigs they have down there, that would be exciting!

Alrighty i will let you all know how it goes when i get back and I'll post some pics on facebook. Have a good week! I know i will!

1 comment:

  1. So you're all excited to abuse your power over young teens, and equally excited to help animals recover from people who've abused their power over them? You're a wonderfully strange person, Jamie-chan.
